The project is community run which means you’ll get opportunities to visit the farm, join in with social events and volunteer your skills.
As a member there is no obligation to volunteer with Norwich FarmShare however we are always looking for help with a wide range of activities.
Here are just a few:
Everyone is welcome to join our growers on the farm on a Tuesday from 10am – 3pm, or however long you can stay.
There are lots of different jobs available and you do not need to be experienced. All welcome. Please bring suitable clothing, a packed lunch and plenty to drink. There is a compost toilet available on the farm.
Please email
if you would like to join us.
Every Thursday morning from 9–11am
our team of volunteer packers pack over 100 bags with fresh veg, eggs and fruit for our members. It's loads of fun and there's a very friendly atmosphere.
for more information on how to help.
We are always in need of more tools and equipment. Our members organise and run events to help raise money for this such as ceilidhs, jumble sales, educational talks and workshops. All ideas are welcome.
We rely on the skills of our members to help with tasks such as marketing, PR, finance, and planning.
Email us or come along to a general meeting to find out more.